I'm off shortly for a craft retreat I've organised for a bunch of friends - the place we're staying is pictured above - and already my little travel case is bulging ...
I'm going to write the following things down and see if that makes a difference to my brain because it's not sinking in LOL
1. Yes, the retreat is only for 2 nights, and 2.5 days. You are going to be asleep for at least some of that time, eating for some of that time, and talking for some of that time. So just how many projects do you think you'll do?
2. Yes, knitting stuff does take up more room than stitching stuff but it was your choice to knit chunky scarfs on big needles so quit grumbling!
3. No, given point 2 above, you don't need to take all four pairs of 2.5mm needles... yes, someone might want to borrow A pair, but no octopi are going (as far as you know)
4. No, other people don't want to see your cute buttons and charms, they can stay home
5. Yes, the washing up does need doing before you go
6. Yes, it would be embarassing to take a bigger bag, especially as you have a meeting to go to on your way to the transport interchange
7. Yes, you should be packing and not writing about packing
See you later, have a good weekend everyone, hopefully I will have some finishes to share on my return :o)