There's 20 miniature hats in the picture.
"What on earth did you do those for?" I hear you cry!
It's all part of Innocent Smoothies The Big Knit
What's that? It's a fund raising campaign for Age Concern. Innocent want lots of knitted hats to put on the top of their bottles of smoothies. These behatted bottles will then go into Sainsbury’s in November and for every one sold Innocent and Sainsbury’s will give 50p to Age Concern.
Almost 25,000 older people died of cold related illnesses last winter, so it’s important to not only raise awareness, but to raise money to stop it happening again. Age Concern will use the money raised to provide support to older people in winter including hot meals, blankets and advice on how to keep their houses warm.
My gran was frugal in many ways (hey, she was Scottish!) but she knew the importance of keeping warm. I've knitted these in her memory because I'm thankful that she didn't scrimp on her heating bills, and that she was in a position that she didn't have to.
Wow what a fantastic project that is Nic:)
Yes I do still have Love is Patient.
Yay, great stuff! I love the tassels :D
The tassels were done because they were quicker than a pompom, but I think - especially on the bright ones - they worked well!
I have all kinds of ideas for next year :o)
What a great cause! All those little hats are cute :)
Thanks so much for visiting my blog the other day :)
Great work on these little hats they are so cute and so worthwhile!! WOW :) I shall buy a smoothie wearing a hat when they come into the shop!!
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