It's just before they were cleaned out, hence the rather scruffy pen! This is one of Rowan's favourite spots - he's 'guarding' Jasper, who is curled up behind. They will share the pod, but prefer not too, I think it's a bit of a squeeze!

And here is Jasper nibbling the parsley bell. Both he and Rowan have worked out that they can lift and drop the bell to make a nice, satisfying (to them - annoying to us!) 'clunk' - which is sometimes used to call the slaves to service...
Oh, I'd forgotten that distinctive 'wheek!' noise guinea pigs make! LOL. Max's bunny also has some things in her apartment that she likes to thump and bump. She obviously really enjoys something about it - the sound, the reaction, the vibration. I dunno what, but she loves it!
The boys are both so cute!! I know what you mean about the comments. When I post craft stuff with my pets, my crafty stuff goes out the window! LOL
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