Sunday, January 04, 2009

Shawly Not?

Okay, when the local department store is selling mohair mix yarn for £0.69 (less an a dollar/euro) per ball, and when friends at your SnB group have made gorgeous shawls out of a similar yarn, well, you've just got to get some yarn and try, haven't you? Especially when it's a dear friend's big 4-0 birthday coming up too and you think a lacey shawl would make a suitable gift for her.

But do you know how many pages of shawl patterns there are on Ravelry? 45, just in the 'free' listing alone! I think I've looked at every single one this morning, downloaded several, and I've finally narrowed it down to a choice between four five three. I haven't really knit lace before, so some of the patterns scared me. And despite being a stitcher, I'm not sure about the whole chart thing, British patterns tend to be spelled out more.

I think I'll try this one first, and if I don't get on, the other one on the site looks simpler, and so does this one. Wish me luck :o)

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