Saturday, June 28, 2008
Softie Tortoise
This was a little tortoise I made for a softie exchange - the whole thing was less than 4 inches long. You can't really see because of the frill, but underneath the shell is a felt body with legs. The shell was made from a circle of fabric gathered, and the hat is a lace flower which I coloured with a marker pen to make it look more like a daisy. The fabric is some vintage Laura Ashley which I found in a charity shop.
Another Bloom - Lizzie*Kate

Designer: Lizzie*Kate
Threads: DMC as charted
Fabric: 14 count aida, tea dyed
This was my first version of Bloom and I made it into a little softie for a softie exchange. The front and back are made from felt - just the ordinary store bought stuff, not felt I've made myself! - the back is a peachy colour to match the tulip. The buttons came from my stash - the ladybug is hiding a little wrinkle where I stitched the flower closed after stuffing :o)
I was pretty taken with this finish, it was hard to part with it!
Tin Topper Finish

Designer: The Victoria Sampler - a freebie available here
Threads: DMC
Fabric: 28 count linen, R&R Reproductions, Light Cocoa
This is not my usual style, I have to say. And not my usual finish- I did it as this month's challenge over on the Monthly Finishing Challenge Blog. There is rather too much glue involved for one of my finishing methods ;o) but it worked out okay. I adapted the lettering on the original design as I thought about giving this to my sister - I know for a fact she doesn't own a needle ... but with a mother and a sister who have hundreds, why should she? LOL. The other modification I made was to the hardanger section - instead of cutting and weaving in dove's eyes, I just stitched eyelets. Cheating? yes, but it looks good!
I think there's a bit too much 'bling' and fussiness for my taste but for what it is, I'm pleased with how it turned out, and the braid does hide the raw edges and such. The fabric is some I've had in my stash for years, I think it goes very well.
The base has a small padded 'cushion' so the stamps don't stick to the bottom. I think if I was making another one, I'd make the base a bit bigger.
I'm glad I did it, just not sure I'd do another!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Freebie Exchange

My freebie exchange for a recent Hooked on Exchanges exchange went to Laurie in the USA.
I so enjoyed this freebie that I stitched it twice - once over two as a pin cushion, and once as petit point over one to make the scissor fob.
Each is trimmed with a butterfly charm from my stash. I used the DMC conversions and some evenweave I had in my stash. The tassel on the scissor fob is made with threads pulled from the left over fabric.
You can see the rest of the exchange over on the HoE blog
Friday, June 20, 2008
Goldfinch Card
This card is a companion piece to the card I gave my dad for his birthday, but this time it was Father's Day.
Goldfinches are another bird that flock to my parents' garden - drawn by the seeds they put out, and the sheltered spot they have, with plenty of trees and shrubs. I love finches, they are so perky and cheerful!
I have two more birds stitched up, so that is next year sorted... (Lord willin' an' the creek don't rise...LOL)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Morning Song, my stitch along with Sally, is still stuck on the sheepies, but that's because I've been distracted by knitting and didn't spend much time with it this week! It was World Knit in Public Day on Saturday - I sat for a couple of hours by the fountain in the Botanical Gardens with my needles and some wool. I started a project which I've just finished - it's the Twisty Bag from Sheepfold (I picked the kit up for 50p at a St Lukes shop, I wouldn't have paid £24.50, I'm too cheap!) I felted it in the washing machine - a tad risky, considering we've just had thte pump replaced but it turned out really well! It's my first attempt at felting, I've impressed myself as it was quite a scary thing to do with something that you've spent hours on...I've already started on another bag, using a multi coloured yarn - I think my knitting mojo is back :o)
I've arranged some trades - do check out my list and see if there's anything you fancy - so I will be getting some 'new to me' stash soon - always exciting! I've been pretty good about using my existing stash, but I think that's because I'm finding it more exciting than a lot of the new releases.
I bought a tin of mints from Marks and Spencer so I can do the Monthly Finishing Challenge - I think I'm going to use a Victoria Sampler freebie as the tin is virtually the same as an Altoid one, just green. I've never done a tin topper before, and as there's glue involved, I'm not sure it's going to be a happy experience!
I have a couple of exchanges to work on as well, which are the priority. I have an ornament to make for a Christmas in July exchange run by Simone but that doesn't have to be cross stitch, and I think I know what I'm doing for that. The other exchange is the Little House Needleworks exchange over on Hooked on Exchanges and I finished the stitched piece for this a while ago, but I need to make it up - probably into a pinkeep.
I don't think I'm going to have much progress to report next week either, as this weekend is going to be very busy with the exchanges, which will have to be kept under wraps - but hopefully I will find the camera cable and put up some pictures of the bag and the SAL,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I've returned to Neat Country Stuff by Homespun Elegance, this is where I picked it up at:
I've finished the moon and stars block and have started the one in the bottom left, which is Noah and his ark.
I'm also working on the next blocks of my quilt. They are both tacked to the paper pieces and just need sewing together now.
I'm bored with working on Wooly Sheep. There, I've said it. I think I'm going to retire this to my UFO pile for now. I think it's the working with perle on a large count fabric - I've done several pieces like that recently and I want a change. There's not really any challenge with this, and I need something to occupy my brain a bit more.
Of course, this means that Random Thoughts can come out again ... ;o)
One of my exchange pieces for the month is done and just needs assembling, and for the other exchange, I have to make a Christmas ornament. I have a pattern pulled out, and I'm going to be moving away from cross stitch for it - I can't tell you more in case the recipient reads this blog!
Let It Begin With Me - SanMan Originals
This has been lurking in my stash for nearly four years, stitched but not 'finished'. It was part of the 12 Days of Christmas freebies series that SanMan released in 2004 and I was going to stitch one a day from Christmas Eve onwards. This was the first - and only - one I completed, as my grandmother died unexpectedly on Christmas Day.
I do like the piece - I was a member of CND in my youth - but if I'd shared it with my gran, I can picture her wearing that slightly disapproving look she had - I am too liberal minded for us to have seen eye to eye on many subjects butwe saw past each other's hobby-horses :o)
This is a very simple wallhanging finish, with some lightweight batting inbetween the face and backing. I will use mini pegs to attach it to a hanger, when I've found somewhere suitable for it to hang.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wren - Birthday Card

I chose the wren for the birthday card as there is nearly always a nesting pair of wrens in one of the hedges that form the boundary to my parent's garden. They are such sweet and perky birds, and I think that the designer has captured that very cleverly - before the backstitch went in, the bird was just a beige blob, but the outlines really brought it to life.
Celtic B - Mike Vickery
Design: B - from the book Celtic Cross Stitch
Designer: Mike Vickery
Fabric: 25 count linen, antique white
This was finished last month and given to my dad as a birthday present. I made it into a pillow as he likes his comfort :o) The pillow was a pre-made one, and I appliqued the design onto the front after turning a small hem. I used threads drawn from the excess fabric so the stitching couldn't be seen.

The design is one I started years ago and left unfinished at this point:

As you can see, there wasn't actually all that much to do, but I think I'd got fed up of the half stitches and the back stitching! I completed this mainly on my commute - the journey is short enough so that I didn't get bored, but the twice a day stint meant that the stitching grew quite quickly.
I love how the colours interact, but I'm not sure I would stitch something like this again.
Dad loved it, and it made a change for him from his usual "bloke gifts"!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Sunday Update
Sally - hopefully I will have some progress to show on Morning Song when I get back!