Monday, January 04, 2010

The Year of the UFO

My UFO list can be seen in the sidebar. I've also got it arranged nicely in a little spreadsheet, where I've calculated target dates for finishing - and where I've tried to note the approximate year when I started the project. There are some projects in that pile who are old enough to go to University... LOL

I've realised that the mental weight of all these unfinished objects is dragging me down. Even when I'm really enjoying working on a project, that nasty little nagging voice at the back of my head taunts me, saying that I won't finish it, that it's a waste of time, that I have other stuff I once loved and have abandoned. And this is despite my ability to actually finish a project really really improving since I took up blogging - I have very few UFOs from 2007 onwards.

So, I'm going to be ruthless with these projects. I'm going to look at each one and sit in judgement, weighing up the pros and cons. I'm going to consider firstly whether I actually like the project. And then, whether it will either fit into my home or could go to someone as a gift. And whether it will be worth working on - sometimes, projects are UFOs because of mistakes or damage. The verdicts will be simple - Finish or Fling. Fling won't always mean the wastepaper basket - if anyone wants to adopt a UFO, I'd be happy to send it to them...

Votes in comments will be welcome, because I may wobble and be indecisive - and that's not allowed!


Unknown said...

Nic, a really lovely teacher once said, "you are either a project person or a procedure person", well she was wrong, grin, I am both! I don't let ufos bother me, I had the fun of learning a new technique, and lots of time I did finish it into a project, and since I learned a new technique while doing it, if I never 'finish' it into a project it's ok.
This lady was a famous quilting instructor who is on tv, and I was a member of the class who were working on becoming a certified instructor of her methods, she did admit at the end of the class she couldn't decide if I was a procedure person or a project person, grin. Just enjoy it for the joy of it. BarbM

Deirdre said...

I like your year. I have so many of those. I work on them for a while & into the cabinet they go. Now the cabinet is hard to close=/

Meari said...

Holy cow! That's a lotta UFO's!